
2021年7月19日—AnewreportfromtheOfficeofNationalStatistics(ONS)detailstheimpactofCOVID-19onthehospitalitysector:restaurants,pubs, ...,2024年3月9日—OneexampleisHawksmoor,agroupofhigh-endsteakhousesmostlyinLondon.Itsturnoverincreased20percenttoarecord£90mnin2023,asthe ...,2021年7月21日—Forsafetyofstaffandcustomers,businessessellingfoodordrink(includingrestaurants,pubs,barsandtakeawayservices),sho...

Covid's Impact on England's Restaurants Is Not Over

2021年7月19日 — A new report from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) details the impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality sector: restaurants, pubs, ...

UK restaurant sector hit by cost of living and Covid legacy

2024年3月9日 — One example is Hawksmoor, a group of high-end steakhouses mostly in London. Its turnover increased 20 per cent to a record £90mn in 2023, as the ...

Guidance for food businesses on coronavirus (COVID

2021年7月21日 — For safety of staff and customers, businesses selling food or drink (including restaurants, pubs, bars and takeaway services), should follow ...

What are the rules for pubs, restaurants, festivals and gigs?

2021年7月14日 — Nightclubs can reopen in England, and summer festivals and gigs will also be able to go ahead without Covid rules limiting audience numbers.

Effects of COVID

2021年6月26日 — The effects of COVID-19 on restaurants in the UK high street have been widespread. Restaurants remain particularly hard hit.

Using new takeaway and delivery options, and eating

During the COVID-19 pandemic in England, full-service food retailers (like restaurants, pubs, bars and cafes) could sell food for takeaway and delivery until ...

UK pub and restaurant sales fall due to COVID

2023年9月7日 — Restaurant groups experienced the biggest fall in like-for-like sales in the week prior to the announcment at 21 percent, while bar sales ...

Coronavirus UK

These London Restaurants Have All Closed During the Coronavirus Crisis · Share this story · Jidori · St. John · Dominique Ansel Bakery · Sardine · The ...


2021年5月15日 — Across Britain, there are 9.7% fewer restaurants to choose from, compared with before the pandemic. And mid-market casual dining venues have ...


2023年9月7日 — Daily impact of COVID-19 on restaurant dining in the UK 2020-2022 · Year-over-year daily change in seated restaurant diners due to the ...